Papa's Pepper Recipes — breakfast RSS

Papa's Pepper Spicy Fried Egg Yolks

Have you ever created something and wondered why you didn't think of it earlier?  This is that dish for me!  It's incredibly simple but oh soooooooo delicious!  It has everything you are looking for in a wonderful bite of food!  It's crispy, savory, spicy, creamy, salty deliciousness!  Give it a try and I'm certain you will agree!

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Papa's Pepper Spicy Scrambled Egg and Mushroom Breakfast

The number one question I get asked, without fail, is "How do you get your scrambled eggs so light and fluffy?". Well, I'm here to share the very simple secret to perfect scrambled eggs with you!  Once you get them perfected the possibilities are endless!  They are great on avocado toast, by themselves, on a cracker and especially with tomatoes and mushrooms as seen here.

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Papa's Pepper Croque Madame

The classics are a classics for a reason, and the Croque Madame falls into that category!  It's definitely a rich, salty, savory sandwich so I add a little more flavor and some heat with Papa's Pepper to cut through some of that richness. I also add bacon to mine because everything is better with bacon!  Don't let trying to make a classic intimidate you!  This dish only has a couple parts and they come together easily and beautifully!

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